Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Devastating Poultry Factories in the South

Factory farming should be made illegal within 20 years, or so predicts the Whole Foods owner. All that is needed is to make known what these things are, and I think people's disgust will propel such legislation before too long. There will be "economic downsides" to such legislation, but these CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) are:

  1. A breeding ground for Avian Flu and who knows what other types of diseases. Too many organisms, too concentrated.

  2. Destructive to the people who work and live there. They earn relatively little, are exposed to arsenic and other serious hazards. This is cruel and unusual.

  3. Devastating to our earth- the earth that gives us food and sustains our lives. ALL of our lives. Runoff from waste and carcasses, chemicals and additives that have passed through the chickens, fouling of rivers... the list goes on and on

All that so our chicken prices can be a bit lower. Come on, let's pay twice as much for real chicken rather than stoop to this immoral and unconscionable activity. To advance such a system for one's own profit, while harming people directly and indirectly, as well as the earth and creating possilities for disease outbreaks-- what else could this be but treason?

More from Grist here

And people actually ask us why we only buy free range eggs!



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