Yes you can use Regular Expressions in MS-Access
I've heard it was not possible, but it is:
Private Function testRE()
Dim re As Object, strText as String
strText = ""the short brown fox, jumped over " _
& "the Foxy lad of foxtown in Fox-ville."
Set re = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
Dim colMatches
With re
.Pattern = "\bfox\b"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
End With
'Debug.Assert False
Dim myNum
Set colMatches = re.Execute(strText)
Debug.Print colMatches.Count & " matched"
Dim inttemp As Integer
For inttemp = 0 To colMatches.Count - 1
Debug.Print ">" & colMatches(inttemp)
Next inttemp
Debug.Print re.Replace(strText, "Dog")
End Function
The results:
2 matched
the short brown Dog, jumped over the Foxy lad of Newtown foxtown in Dog-ville.