Sunday, March 02, 2008

Rye with oats

Tried a nice batch this past week. I made a sponge from my starter by adding 1 cup starter, then ~2 cups rye flour and ~2 cups water. I let that sit all day.

Then (three times, well once doubled and once a bit more than singled) I took 1/2 cup water mixed with with 2+1/4 t yeast, then 1 cup of sponge, 1 T sugar (we are out of honey), 2 T oil, 1/2 t salt with 2 cups all purpose flour. Kneaded a bit, let rise 1.5-2 hours or so, baked at 350 degrees for 30 min. One loaf I added 1/4 cup oats.

All were good. We ate a loaf and a half for that meal (my house has 11 occupants, plus a guest). The rest was finished within 24 hours.
